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Spring into Summer...

It's the news we've all been waiting for...the Great British Summer is back on!

The Government has unveiled long-awaited plans that set out how lockdown measures will be eased in England but how will this affect the hospitality industry?

Pubs, restaurants, hotels and B&Bs

Beer gardens and outside dining at cafes and restaurants can resume on 12 April.

People must stick to a maximum of six people from multiple households, or a larger group from just two households. Customers must also order, eat and drink while seated. (The "substantial meal" rule for ordering alcohol is also being dropped, and there will be no curfew.) Five weeks later, on 17 May, these businesses will be able to serve people inside according to the same rules. Hotels, hostels and B&Bs can also reopen from this date, although campsites and other self-contained accommodation can welcome visitors from 12 April. The final key date is 21 June when the Government hopes to withdraw limits on social contact.

These changes are subject to review and will only be implemented if these four key tests are continually met.

1. The vaccine deployment programme continues successfully.

2. Evidence shows vaccines are sufficiently effective in reducing hospitalisations and deaths in those vaccinated.

3. Infection rates do not risk a surge in hospitalisations which would put unsustainable pressure on the NHS.

4. Assessment of the risks is not fundamentally changed by new Variants of Concern.

With international travel still a big unknown, many are looking forward to a stay-cation closer to home. With its rolling patchwork countryside to its array of seaside settings, it’s no wonder that Somerset is a prime location for holidaymakers and our recommended, listed suppliers cannot wait to welcome you back. So there we have it, definitely light at the end of this long tunnel but we all must continue to take care as we go. There is no doubt we have all earned a break and we can now look forward to a much brighter future and a fabulous Spring and Summer!


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